an on-grid solar panel system with a city in the background

Benefits of On-Grid Solar System

With the increasing demand for renewable energy, on-grid solar systems have emerged as a popular and effective solution. By harnessing the power of the grid, on-grid solar systems offer numerous benefits that make them a compelling choice for both residential and commercial applications. In this blog, we will discuss the numerous benefits of on-grid solar in brief.

Understanding On-Grid Solar

Before delving into the benefits of on-grid solar, it is important to understand what exactly these systems entail.

On-grid solar system are a fascinating and innovative way to harness the power of the sun and integrate it with the traditional power grid. These systems, also known as grid-tied or grid-connected solar, offer numerous benefits and have gained popularity in recent years.

How you Can Reduce your Electricity Bill Up to Zero with Grid-tie Solar System

Defining On-Grid Solar

On-grid solar, as the name suggests, refers to photovoltaic (PV) systems that are connected to the main electricity grid. Unlike off-grid solar systems that rely solely on solar power, on-grid systems are designed to work in parallel with the traditional power grid. This means that they can draw electricity from the grid when needed and also feed excess energy back into the grid.

One of the key features of on-grid solar systems is their ability to seamlessly integrate with the existing power infrastructure. This allows for a reliable and efficient energy supply, as on-grid systems can supplement the electricity generated by the solar panels with power from the grid when necessary.

How On-Grid Solar Systems Work

Understanding the inner workings of on-grid solar systems can provide valuable insights into their functionality and benefits. In an on-grid solar system, the solar panels, typically installed on rooftops or in open areas, generate electricity from sunlight. This electrical energy is then converted from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) by the inverter, making it compatible with the grid.

But what happens when the solar panels produce more electricity than is immediately needed? This is where the beauty of on-grid solar systems truly shines. The excess energy generated by the solar panels is fed back into the grid, effectively becoming a contribution to the overall energy supply. This not only reduces the reliance on non-renewable energy sources but also allows on-grid solar system owners to potentially receive credit for the excess electricity they generate.

Net metering, a billing arrangement offered by many utility companies, plays a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of on-grid solar systems. With net metering, any excess electricity generated by the solar panels is measured and credited to the system owner’s account. This credit can then be used to offset future electricity bills, effectively reducing the overall cost of energy consumption.

Furthermore, on-grid solar systems provide a level of flexibility and convenience that is unparalleled. During times when the solar panels do not generate enough electricity to meet the demand, power can be drawn from the grid to supplement the energy supply. This ensures a consistent and reliable source of electricity, regardless of the weather conditions or fluctuations in solar energy production.

It is worth noting that on-grid solar systems not only benefit individual system owners but also contribute to the overall sustainability and resilience of the power grid. By decentralizing energy production and incorporating renewable sources like solar, on-grid systems help reduce the strain on the grid and promote a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

3 Kw On-grid Solar System Price and Technical Details

In conclusion, on-grid solar systems offer a multitude of advantages, from reducing electricity bills to contributing to a greener and more sustainable energy landscape. By understanding how these systems work and the benefits they provide, individuals and communities can make informed decisions about integrating solar power into their lives.

Why On-Grid Solar is a Best Choice for Home and Business Owners

The Economic Benefits of On-Grid Solar

In addition to being environmentally friendly, on-grid solar systems offer compelling economic advantages. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why on-grid solar is not only a sustainable choice but also a financially wise decision.

Cost-Effectiveness of On-Grid Solar

One of the primary advantages of on-grid solar systems is their cost-effectiveness. Unlike off-grid systems, on-grid solar systems do not require batteries for energy storage. This eliminates the need for expensive battery installations and reduces the overall cost of the system. By leveraging the existing power grid infrastructure, on-grid solar systems can be installed and maintained at a significantly lower cost.

Moreover, by reducing reliance on conventional electricity sources, on-grid solar enables homeowners and businesses to save money on their utility bills in the long run. As the sun’s energy is harnessed to power homes and establishments, the need for purchasing electricity from the grid decreases. This translates into substantial savings over time, making on-grid solar a financially attractive option.

Financial Incentives and Policies

Many governments and utility companies offer financial incentives and policies to promote the adoption of on-grid solar systems. These incentives can include tax credits, rebates, grants, and favorable net-metering arrangements.

Tax credits are a common form of incentive, allowing individuals and businesses to deduct a portion of their solar system installation costs from their tax liability. This reduces the upfront investment required and makes on-grid solar more affordable. Rebates, on the other hand, provide direct cash incentives to offset the cost of installing solar panels.

Grants are another financial incentive that can be offered by governments or organizations to support the implementation of on-grid solar systems. These grants can cover a significant portion of the installation costs, making it even more financially viable for individuals and businesses to adopt on-grid solar.

Net metering, a policy implemented by many utility companies, allows on-grid solar system owners to sell excess electricity generated back to the grid. This means that when the solar panels produce more electricity than is consumed, the surplus is fed into the grid, and the owner receives credits or compensation for the energy contributed. This arrangement not only helps offset the initial investment but also accelerates the return on investment for on-grid solar systems.

By combining these financial incentives and policies, governments and utility companies are actively encouraging the adoption of on-grid solar systems. These measures not only make the initial investment more attractive but also contribute to the overall economic viability of on-grid solar.

Environmental Impact of On-Grid Solar

Beyond economic advantages, on-grid solar systems help mitigate the environmental impact of conventional energy sources.

On-grid solar systems have gained significant attention in recent years due to their positive environmental impact. By harnessing the power of the sun, these systems reduce dependence on fossil fuels, which emit harmful greenhouse gases. This reduction in carbon emissions plays a crucial role in combating climate change and its detrimental effects on the planet.

The main advantage of on-grid solar systems is their ability to reduce the carbon footprint associated with electricity generation. Traditional energy sources, such as coal and natural gas, release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when burned for power. In contrast, solar energy is clean and renewable, producing no emissions during operation. This makes on-grid solar systems a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional energy sources.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

By utilizing solar power, on-grid systems reduce dependence on fossil fuels, which emit harmful greenhouse gases. The clean and renewable nature of solar energy contributes to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, aiding in the fight against climate change.

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, on-grid solar systems also help to improve air quality. Traditional energy sources release not only carbon dioxide but also other pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants have been linked to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues. By transitioning to on-grid solar systems, communities can enjoy cleaner and healthier air, leading to improved overall well-being.

Furthermore, on-grid solar systems play a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of electricity generation. Traditional power plants require large amounts of water for cooling purposes, which can have detrimental effects on local ecosystems. Solar energy, on the other hand, does not require water for operation, making it a more sustainable choice. By adopting on-grid solar systems, we can conserve water resources and protect aquatic habitats.

Sustainable Energy Production

On-grid solar systems promote sustainable energy production by harnessing the abundant and freely available energy from the sun. Unlike non-renewable energy sources, such as coal or natural gas, solar energy does not deplete natural resources. This renewable aspect ensures a long-term energy solution that minimizes environmental degradation.

Moreover, on-grid solar systems offer a decentralized energy production model, which reduces the need for extensive transmission and distribution infrastructure.

Additionally, on-grid solar systems contribute to the resilience of the electricity grid. By generating electricity at the point of consumption, these systems reduce the vulnerability of the grid to disruptions caused by extreme weather events or other emergencies. This enhances the overall reliability and stability of the energy supply, ensuring uninterrupted power.

Reliability and Efficiency of On-Grid Solar

Another key advantage of on-grid solar systems is their reliability and efficiency.

Dependability of Grid Connection

With on-grid solar, the connection to the main electricity grid ensures a constant and stable power supply. This eliminates concerns about power shortages or fluctuations, providing peace of mind to system owners. Additionally, on-grid systems enable easy access to power during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand.

Maximizing Solar Energy Usage

On-grid solar systems maximize the usage of solar energy by maintaining a balance between electricity generated and consumed. By feeding excess energy into the grid, system owners can ensure that none of the potential power goes to waste.

The Future of On-Grid Solar

The benefits of on-grid solar have positioned it as an integral part of the future energy landscape.

On-grid Solar: Complete Details of Working. Price, Installation Guide and Subsidy

Technological Advancements in On-Grid Solar

Ongoing technological advancements in on-grid solar systems are making them even more efficient, affordable, and easier to integrate. Innovations such as more efficient solar panels, advanced inverters, and smart grid technologies are paving the way for increased adoption and improved performance.

Global Trends in On-Grid Solar Adoption

Around the world, the adoption of on-grid solar systems is rapidly growing. Countries like India, China, and the US are leading the way, emphasizing the importance of clean energy and sustainable practices. This global trend indicates a promising future for on-grid solar in meeting the world’s energy demands.

Know more: How Installing UTL Solar Power Plant Will Save you a lot of Money

UTL On-grid Solar PCU Range Start from 1kw to 110kw

solar panel system for home

Why Solar Panel System Is Best Investment For Electricity Generation

Are you looking to save money on your utility bills? Installing solar power is one of the best investments for your future. Solar power is an amazing source of power leaving zero carbon footprints. Installing solar panel system at your home or commercial premises lets you save your electricity bill. It ultimately contributes towards a greener and more sustainable planet compared to other energy sources.

Powerful PV Solar Panels

In the modern day, investing in solar panels is quite an amazing option as it has been setting the benchmarks as the best renewable source of energy. Save your money with affordable solar panel price from the leading manufacturers.

These Solar-powered products enable zero carbon footprint and you have more options to explore. Solar panels are suitable for a variety of purposes, such as rooftop installations, agricultural pumping applications, large-scale utility systems and more.

The solar system involves the panel arrangement generating electricity using energy from the sun. Its setup consists of solar panels, a mounting structure, batteries, an inverter and more. These are also enabled with the ACDB/DCDB for supplying the electricity to your premises.

Learn how to install solar panel system for home in India. Click here to know the ins and outs of solar panel installation in India.

Guide to Install Solar Panel System at Home

Reliable Source Of Energy

Solar panels especially absorb sunlight extensively, producing electricity. These are converted from the DC to AC using solar inverters. The solar battery especially stores extra power with a mounting structure. It also holds the panels in place assuring to provide the best range of energy.

Solar power system generates electricity which can be suitable for running electrical appliance in your home or commercial space. Get the complete solar panel price list before choosing the solar panels for your premises.

Types of Solar System

There are three main types of solar system installation that can turn your home into a solar home.

On-Grid Solar System

Are you looking to install the On-Grid Solar System in your home or commercial units? These solar panels are designed for switching between the grid and the solar system on the premises. The on-grid solar system connects your home to the solar system as well as the utility grid. You can easily get a reasonably affordable solar plate price with ensuring high-quality products.

On-Grid Solar System is an ideal option for homeowners or businesses facing heavy electricity bills on a regular basis. This Solar System reduces electricity bills abundantly. It is also the cheapest residential solar system. These are helpful for getting electricity from these two sources.

UTL On Grid PCU Range

Off-Grid Solar System

The Off-Grid Solar Systems are designed effectively for remote residences. It is the best power bank completely independent from the utility grid. These solar systems are also known as battery-based systems or stand-alone systems.

Investing in these solar panels is helpful for getting backups during emergencies or outages. You can check out the updated solar panel price in India that you didn’t get before. Off-Grid Solar Systems are enabled with a solar battery, which stores the energy for future usage.

UTL Off Grid PCU Range

Hybrid Solar System

The hybrid solar system especially combines the functionality and features of the off-grid solar system and on-grid solar system. These are connected to conventional utility power grids along with battery backup systems. Are you looking for the solar panel price per watt? Here is your best option for getting complete details of solar panels, solar inverters and accessories along with the discounted price.

UTL Hybrid PCU Range

आप अपने शहर में सबसे बड़ा सोलर सिस्टम कैसे लगा सकते है, जानने के लिए वीडियो देखें

Off Grid Solar System – Hybrid Solar System – Solar Panel System for Home

A solar panel system for a home is a great way to generate electricity from the sun’s energy. These systems typically consist of solar panels, an inverter, and a monitoring system. The solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then sent to the inverter to be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity. This AC electricity is then used to power the appliances and lights in your home, and any excess energy can be sent back to the grid for credits on your utility bill.

A monitoring system allows you to track your energy production and usage, so you can see how much energy you are producing and using in real-time. Installing a solar panel system for your home can significantly reduce your electricity costs and your carbon footprint, while also providing a reliable source of energy. It’s important to consult with a professional to determine the right solar panel system for your home based on your energy consumption and location.

A solar system comes in various sizes like 1kW/12V, 1kW/24V, 2kW/24V, 3kW/48V, 5kW/48V in Off Grid Solar System and 1kW/24V, 2kW/48V, 3kW/48V, 5kW/96V in Hybrid Solar System. UTL also offering solar panel system in other sizes like 7.5kW, 10kW, 15kW, 20kW, 30kW, 50kW and 100kW which is best for big houses, offices, and commercial shops etc.


Heliac – Best Solar Inverter Within Your Budget

Very few areas in metropolitan cities can boast of having continuous supply of electricity. This has resulted in the rise of inverters in India. With time people have evolved to be more conscious environmentally. In recent times people try to make conscious decisions while buying a product to save both their money and the environment by doing their bit of research.

We have seen the rise of solar energy in the last two decades. According to the stats, in the last ten years we have seen the cost of electricity per unit doubled whereas the cost of solar panel per watt reduced five times. According to the trends we can assume that in the next ten years solar energy will be cheaper than electricity. So you can see that solar is becoming a necessity and it’s the future!

Working of a Typical Home Inverter

A typical home inverter/UPS system has an inverter and battery system connected to the home power connection. When the electricity comes from the grid, the UPS/inverter system uses the electricity from the grid to charge the battery. When the power is turned off, the inverter takes DC power from the battery and converts it to AC power used by household appliances. There is a circuit breaker in the system to detect whether the grid is not supplying power and switch the UPS to battery mode.

Working of a Solar Inverter

An off grid solar inverter has an assembly of charge controller, batteries, solar panels, controller, and inverter. The batteries are charged using solar panels and the inverter has the same function of converting DC to AC. It can also have an automated switch to sense if the grid is not supplying power that can change the power source of the connected home from grid to batteries. Depending on the need the system can be designed to:

  1. To completely rely on solar power
  2. Charge the batteries from solar power when sun is available and from the grid when it is not.

Normally solar inverters have PWM (pulse width modulation) charge controllers, PWM very It is an old and trusted technology which produces only 1.5-2 units of electricity in a day from a 1kw panel. UTL Solar’s Shamsi & Heliac inverters have PWM charge controllers.

Lets see WHY Heliac Solar Inverter is the Best within your Budget?

This inverter costs less than Gamma+ inverter and upgrades you to solar. Heliac solar inverter is a pure sine wave inverter like Gamma+ inverter that’s engineered to give the best ROI (return on investment) as it has advanced features like solar charge controller, LED indication, maximum preference to solar, multi colour LCD display, built in IT mode etc. To make fulfil the customer needs, Helaic Solar Inverter is available in 6 models suitable for many applications.

Model NameMRP (Inclusive of All Taxes)Discounted Price (Inclusive of All Taxes)
1050 – 50A/12VRs. 9,266.00Rs. 7,201.00
1500 – 50A/12VRs. 9,698.00Rs. 8,572.00
2000 – 50A/24VRs. 12,298.00Rs. 10,197.00
2500 – 50A/24VRs. 18,480.00Rs. 11,992.00
3000 – 70A/24VRs. 29,717.00Rs. 17,074.00
4000 – 60A/48VRs. 33,464.00Rs. 29,917.00

How UTL Hybrid Solar Inverters Generate 30% More Electricity?

Special Features that Make Heliac Solar Inverter is the Best within your Budget:

  • Inbuilt PWM Solar Charge Controller.
  • Multi-Colour LCD Display.
  • Frequency Available 50 & 60Hz.
  • Multi Charging Stage. (Bulk, Absorption & Float)
  • Solar Priority for Load & Battery Charging.
  • Preference to Solar Power over Grid Power.
  • Pure Sine Wave Output.
  • Protections: RBP, BL, RSPV, OVL, SC, OBC, IHV & ILV.
  • Compatible with DG as an Input Source and IT Load.
  • Compatible with SMF, Gel & Tubular Batteries.
  • Priority Selection – PCU, Smart & Hybrid for Saving Money and Energy.

How is Heliac Solar Inverter user-friendly?

UTL Heliac solar inverter is one of the best inverters for homes, which utilize both solar energy and grid power to charge the batteries. In first priority solar energy will run the load, charge battery and in second priority government electricity will be used. Heliac solar inverters are available from 850VA to 3500VA.

It has a Multi-Colour LCD Display that enables you to take note of the working condition easily.

Buttons that make Heliac inverter user-friendly

  1. IT mode enabled or disable – Press button three times to enable or disable the IT mode.
  2. SMU and Tubular mode – Press button three times for on or off the SMU and tubular mode.
  3. Power On or Off.
  4. Boost Charging mode – Press this button three times for enable and disable the boost charging mode.
  5. Grid charging and DC mode – Long press button for enable and disable Grid Charging and DC mode.

Features that Makes Heliac Solar Inverter Best for you:

  • Heliac solar inverter is preferred to solar energy over grid power. It gives the first priority of charging solar over grid power. This means that when solar energy is available, the batteries will be charged through solar power whether grid power is available or not. The Heliac solar inverter switches to grid power only when solar energy is not available. Thus, helping in reducing electricity costs along with keeping the environment clean.
  • Heliac PCU can be operated with or without solar panels. The customer can use a heliac solar inverter as a regular inverter without bothering about the use of solar panel energy.
  • Heliac inverter has the smart feature to recognize the type of battery that’s connected to it. It auto adjusts the battery’s charging characteristics accordingly.
  • Extensive electronic protections are available on Helaic PCU. There are a number of protections that the Home PCU ensures. It stops reverse current flow from the battery to the solar array, it provides load short circuit protection, and battery / solar panel reverse protection through DC fuse and Overload protection also.
  • It is very compatible with the IT load which provide protections to IT instruments like printers, computers, etc.
  • The frequency of DG output is a very vital parameter that always varies. And if the system is in DG enable mode then the system will be compatible to take any of the frequencies as the input source frequency.

Operating Mode Selection

Cities – PCU Mode – Priority Solar →Battery → Grid

If there is more electricity in the cities, then it will run your load with generated solar power and battery. This way cuts your electricity bill.

Villages – Smart Mode – Priority Solar → Grid → Battery

In most of the towns generating electricity and saving bills are dual tasks; it will operate the loads with a synchronized combination of both generated solar power and grid electricity.

Towns – Hybrid Mode – Priority for load Grid →Solar →Battery and Priority for battery charging Solar → Grid

This mode will operate the load by generating solar power and grid electricity during the day and keep the battery charged for night backup.

Helaic solar inverter is compatible with Gel, SMF & Tubular solar batteries. Heliac inverters are engineered to have a long life due to the following protections: overload, battery low, battery high, output short, battery reverse, over heat, over frequency, under frequency and SPV high. So, as explained, if you are planning to buy a solar inverter, Heliac solar inverter is a great choice within your budget.

Alfa+ Solar PCU

Alfa+ Solar PCU: Ultimate for Industrial Usage

Nowadays, every other business and household is becoming eco-conscious, the need to use renewable energy sources for generating electricity is obvious. And installing solar PCUs and inverters is one the easiest ways to meet your power requirements while being an ecologically conscious citizen. Most hospitals, schools, industries, petrol pumps, banks and homes are able to realize the enormous potential of solar energy. Come let’s understand the difference between solar inverter and solar PCU.

What is a Solar Inverter?

A solar inverter is among the most critical components of any solar energy system. It facilitates the conversion of direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) to produce electricity for usage in a wide range of domestic, business, and industrial applications. From televisions to refrigerators and even major technical equipment, solar inverters can power them all.

In addition to being environmentally sustainable, they also help track the entire solar system’s efficiency and provide the analytical data needed to detect and repair any technological faults. Users can also use the excess stored energy in batteries with inverters.

In the case of a solar inverter, solar energy charges the battery during the day, and in the absence of sunlight, the main grids charge the battery. During a power cut, the energy stored in the battery will come to your rescue and help you continue your lives smoothly. Now that we’ve got that covered, let’s look at what a solar PCU (Power Conditioning Unit) is.

What is a Solar PCU?

Sounds like the same thing, doesn’t it? Well, not really. While a solar PCU is similar to a solar inverter, there are a few differences. In a solar PCU, solar charging takes priority during the day. The Solar PCU controls the priority and optimally selects the source of charging. It comes with user selectable energy saver mode which allows the user to select the priority and save the bill. It also selects the source of AC output to be either from the Solar or inverter or the grid. In the Energy Saver Mode priority is given to Solar, the battery is charged first and also supports the inverter to power the appliances. Once the solar energy stops, the PCU starts consuming the stored energy from the battery. Once the stored energy is used to a particular level, the inverter switches to grid. The main focus here is to save the electricity bill cost.

In a solar PCU, solar energy takes precedence, and only in the absence of solar energy is power from the mains used. Solar PCUs are designed with the intent to gain maximum benefits from the sun and therefore reduce energy costs.

Benefits of a Alfa Solar PCU:

Can Run without a Solar Panel

You can power a solar PCU with or without a solar panel. You can either use it as a standard inverter without needing to bother about using solar power. And whenever you feel solar power would be more beneficial, all you need to do is install a solar panel.

Easy to Install and Economical

Solar PCUs are easy to install, affordable, and can also help reduce your electricity bills. It thus ensures that the user gets double the benefit.

Standalone Operation

Compared to a solar inverter, the solar PCU can run with or without Grid Power. The Solar PCUs can be used without connection with Grid. So, while inverters can be used  only with Grid, PCUs work with grid too.

In-depth Information Display

When using a solar inverter, you will have limited access to information. Whereas, when it comes to a solar PCU, you have access to detailed information such as charging status, remedial actions required, load level, battery level, etc.

A Guide to Choosing the Best Online Solar PCU

While Concluding:

So, if you are looking for an economical and viable solar inverter, a solar PCU is the right choice for you. With the growing demand for ecologically sound solutions in India and reduced dependence on grids, installing a solar PCU is a move in the right direction.

UTL Solar has an advanced range of ALFA+ Solar PCU that is mainly used in Hospitals, schools, industries, petrol pumps, banks, and also homes. PCU means Power Conditioning Unit, is an integrated unit consisting of grid charger, inverter, MPPT solar charger. Alfa + solar PCU continuously monitors battery and solar voltage as well as grid and output voltage with their current.

MPPT based solar charge controller extracts the maximum power from the solar panel whereby it increases the efficiency of the system. In Alfa+ Solar PCU MPPT charger has multi stage charging which maintains the battery charging voltage such that it increases the life of the solar battery.

PCUs have become more intelligent and cost saving, with time the charge controllers advanced to MPPT (maximum power point tracking)  technology that produces 3-3.5 units of electricity throughout the day with 1 kW solar panel.

Now let’s talk about rMPPT that’s the latest and most advanced technology when it comes to solar inverters. rMPPT is more advanced than MPPT. It produces up to 30% more electricity than MPPT. With rMPPT technology we can produce 4-5 units from 1kw Solar Panel. UTL Solar has patent rights over this technology.

That’s why UTL SOLAR is a company that sells the best solar PCUs and  inverters.

UTL rMPPT Solar PCU will generate up to 30% more electricity and also will show it Everyday till 31 March 2025.

PCU means Power Conditioning Unit which uses solar power energy in first priority and grid (government electricity) in second priority to charge the solar batteries. Since usage of power from the grid in Alfa+ Solar PCU is secondary, grid power is only used when solar energy isn’t present and battery voltage level reduces to 11.5V/Battery (Default 11.5V, Configurable). Grid power is also needed when solar power generation is less and battery voltage is reduced to 11.5V/Battery (Default 11.5V, Configurable).

ALFA+ Solar PCU rMPPT Price

Solar PCU Model NameMRP (Inclusive of all Taxes)Sale Price (Inclusive of all Taxes)
Alfa+ 1KVA 24VRs. 24,484.00.00Rs. 22,747.00
Alfa+ 2KVA 48VRs. 37,789.00Rs. 35,112.00
Alfa+ 3KVA 48VRs. 51,397.00Rs. 47,757.00
Alfa+ 5KVA 48VRs. 74,077.00Rs. 68,833.00
Alfa+ 5KVA 96VRs. 74,077.00Rs. 68,833.00
Alfa+ 7.5KVA 96VRs. 1,01,304.00Rs. 85,942.00
Alfa+ 7.5KVA 120VRs. 1,01,304.00Rs. 85,942.00
Alfa+ 10KVA 120VRs. 1,51,200.00Rs. 1,40,502.00
Alfa+ 10KVA 180VRs. 1,51,200.00Rs. 1,40,502.00
Alfa+ 15KVA 240VRs. 2,38,583.00Rs. 2,21,700.00

Unique Features of Alfa Solar PCU

Battery Selection Mode

In UTL’s Alfa+ Solar PCU you have a great feature that is battery selection mode. By this we can select any type of battery as per requirement i.e. flat plate/tubular/SMF/Lead acid Battery and can set charging voltage and charging current as per requirement.

Operating Mode Selection

  • PCU Mode – Priority   Solar →Battery → Grid
  • Smart Mode -Priority   Solar → Grid → Battery
  • Hybrid Mode – Priority for load   Grid →Solar → Battery, Priority for battery charging Solar Energy → Grid

LCD Display with Energy Meter and Data Logging (optional)

UTL Alfa+ Solar PCU is also available with an LCD display. This is an optional feature that can be availed by the customer for better user interface. When the customer opts for this feature, an energy meter and data logging facilities are also provided to the customer, which help the user to access information about the present and past status of the PCU functionality.

Pure Sine Wave

The output of the UTL’s Alfa+ Solar PCU is pure sine wave and it operates your appliances friendly.

User configurable by LCD

  • User friendly calibration settings:-
  • You can change the below settings of Alfa+ Solar PCU by itself like
  • Configurable Grid Reconnect Setting
  • Configurable Battery Low cut Setting
  • Configurable Grid low cut/High cut setting

User friendly operational settings

  • No load shutdown – Enable/Disable.
  • Grid charging – Enable/Disable.
  • IT Load – Enable/Disable.

Advanced Features:

  • DSPic Based Pure Sine Wave Design.
  • Inbuilt rMPPT Charge Controller.
  • Maximum Preference to Solar Energy.
  • USB Based Communication.
  • 30 Days Data Logs Inbuilt
  • AC and DC Energy Meter Inbuilt.
  • GSM/GPRS Based Remote Monitoring and controlling.
  • Robust Design for 20 years product life.
  • 2 years to 5 years of warranty.
  • Reverse AC Voltage Protection.
  • User friendly and easily accessible LCD Display with all AC & DC Parameter Configurable by Display Switches and Digital LCD (20X4).
  • User Friendly Control: – Output Voltage, Charging Voltage – SPV/ Grid, Charging Current – SPV/Grid, Grid Reconnect, Battery Low.
  • Priority based working modes – Smart/PCU/Hybrid (for saving energy and money).
  • NLSD, Alfa+ Solar PCU Grid Charging, IT Load – Enable/Disable by LCD.

UTL Solar takes pride in serving prestigious organizations like airtel, PVR cinemas, Bharat Petroleum, Air India, Voltas Limited, State Bank Of India, Indian Railways, KFC who have upgraded to solar power. So, as explained, if you are planning to install solar PCU, UTL Solar’s Alpha+ PCU is a great choice.

UTL rMPPT Alfa+ सोलर PCU अब और भी Advance फीचर्स के साथ! क्लिक करें।


A Guide to Choosing the Best Online Solar PCU

Are you fed up with frequent data loss due to power cuts? Do you want an uninterrupted power supply? Online Solar PCU can get one stop solution to sudden power cuts, unstable voltage, and short circuits. Now you must be wondering what is a PCU & how an Solar PCU is different from a PCU. Come let’s understand.

PCU stands for Power Conditioning Unit. Now talking about online solar PCU it primarily charges batteries using solar energy and uses power from the grid secondarily for the same.

Solar makes it super eco-friendly and helps save a lot of money while reducing carbon blueprint. If you have considered buying solar PCU have you compared solar PCU price?

There are many solar PCU manufacturers in India but people tend to get confused when making the buying decision. Here in this blog, we will help you choose the best solar PCU within your budget. 

You must have heard about 25 years old trusted brand UTL Solar. It is the leading & fastest growing manufacturer of premium solar products like solar PCU, solar PCU inverter, off-grid solar PCU, on grid solar PCU, hybrid solar PCU, solar panels, etc.

UTL solar PCU has a robust design and is highly efficient, it has a critical balance of system that gives 100% uninterrupted power supply whenever there is a fluctuation in power voltage. UTL solar PCU have the potential to create an electrical firewall between the incoming utility strength and our electronic gear/apparatuses.

Components of UTL Solar PCU

UTL Solar’s solar PCU consists of a  solar charge controller, an inverter, and a grid charger. These components along with solar panels work to give 100% uninterrupted power supply.

Working of UTL Online Solar PCU

Solar PCU is a solar power conditioning unit that primarily uses solar energy and can also extract power from the grid if needed to charge the batteries. Power from the grid is only used when there’s no solar or when there’s a  fluctuation in battery voltage.

Features of UTL Solar PCU

UTL solar PCU is very economical as it’s best in price and quality. Our exclusive range of solar PCU has unique user-friendly features. Check out the features of the UTL solar PCU below.

  • Suitable for heavy load with multiple working modes.
  • MPPT technology-based solar charge controller.
  • Advance DSP-based design pure sine wave.
  • Designed in both Single and Three phases.
  • Ethernet-based monitoring for a better experience.
  • PCUs that give maximum preference to solar.
  • User-friendly and configurable parameters.
  • Robust design with 20 years long product life.
  • Lightning, surge protection.
  • Complete protection from short circuits, under/over-voltage.

UTL solar PCU range from 5kVA to 120KVA. Alfa Online Solar PCU, Mars Online Solar PCU, and Star Online Solar PCU are online solar PCUs manufactured by UTL Solar.

Alfa Online Solar PCU

This solar PCU has advanced technology for consistent power supply with a rectifier, auto float cum boost charger, battery-backed inverter, and short-circuit protection. Alfa online solar PCU is basically a single-phase, small size, and single card-based solar PCU with double-conversion technology.

To remove all power disturbances, Alfa online solar PCU automatically transfers the load to the grid power if the battery voltage fluctuates due to constant usage of power. Simultaneously it also charges the solar battery. Once the batteries get charged to the required level, the solar PCU cuts off the grid power from the system and restores it to feeding the loads from the battery bank while also returning to charging the battery from the available solar power.

Alfa Online Solar PCU Range
Solar PCU ModelMRP ( Inclusive of all Taxes )Discounted Price (Inclusive of all Taxes)
Alfa 5kVA 96V Solar PCURs. 99,209.00Rs. 92,716.00
Alfa 7.5kVA 120V Solar PCURs. 1,38,720.00Rs. 1,24,665.00
Alfa 10kVA 180V Solar PCURs. 2,00,167.00Rs. 1,86,788.00

Mars Online Solar PCU

This solar PCU is a next-gen solar PCU that is engineered to make your life simpler. It is a 3 phase solar PCU that works on the double conversion principle to provide regulated output voltage under several input conditions such as harmonic distortions, power failure, instability, surge,  frequency, sag, noise, and spikes. Mars Online Solar PCU has used  MPPT and DSP technology  with a single control board that ensures a stable,  independent, and transient free uninterrupted power supply.

Mars Online Solar PCU is the variable direct current output of a solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current that can be used by the local, off-grid solar electrical network or fed into a commercial electrical grid. Mars online solar power conditioning unit (PCU) has amazing functions adapted for use with photovoltaic arrays, including maximum power point tracking and anti-islanding protection.

Mars Online Solar PCU Range
Solar PCU ModelMRP ( Inclusive of all Taxes )Discounted Price (Inclusive of all Taxes)
Mars 5kVA 240V Solar PCURs. 1,19,232.00Rs. 1,11,262.00
Mars 8kVA 240V Solar PCURs. 1,61,352.00Rs. 1,50,772.00
Mars 10kVA 240V Solar PCURs. 2,07,230.00Rs. 1,82,623.00
Mars 15kVA 240V Solar PCURs. 2,69,568.00Rs. 2,37,589.00
Mars 20kVA 240V Solar PCURs. 3,59,316.00Rs. 3,16,744.00

Star Online Solar PCU

DSP based advanced  solar PCU, engineered to run  heavy loads smoothly as it  provides pure sine wave output. It is 3 phase solar PCUs with up to 30% more efficiency for a better experience. It provides stable voltage by preventing fluctuations in all input circumstances and gives priority to solar. It will use grid power only when solar energy is unable to suffice the load requirements.

UTL star online solar PCU has an Ethernet-based monitoring system that continuously monitors the state of the battery voltage, solar power output, and the load. It has multiple working modes and also provides the facility to charge the battery through either solar or grid power. If you have more than one source of power, you can use our star online solar power conditioning unit to regulate it.

Star Online Solar PCU Range
Solar PCU ModelMRP ( Inclusive of all taxes )Discounted Price (Inclusive of all taxes)
Star 30kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 4,81,140.00Rs. 4,24,122.00
Star 40kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 6,41,520.00Rs. 5,65,500.00
Star 50kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 6,68,250.00Rs. 7,06,878.00
Star 60kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 9,62,280.00Rs. 8,48,256.00
Star 80kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 12,83,040.00Rs. 11,30,878.00
Star 100kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 16,03,800.00Rs. 14,13,636.00
Star 120kVA 360V Solar PCURs. 19,24,560.00Rs. 16,96,392.00
On-Grid Solar System - A Great Choice for Home Owners

Why On-Grid Solar System is a Great Choice for Home?

For some time, solar energy has become one of the most affordable, dependable, and financially viable sources of energy. Most people are aware of the ‘Eco-friendly’ benefits of solar energy. However, there are other interesting financial rewards associated with solar energy, which are motivating people to replace traditional electricity with solar electricity as well. Solar power/energy requires an initial investment where you’ve to purchase a solar system and install it on your home or business property. However, after the initial investment, The whole scenario becomes a lifetime of savings option with lowered energy bills and increased property value. Here are some points that make the on-grid solar system a great choice for home:

It offers Instant Savings

These days with new and advanced technology growing faster than ever, the question is not if solar electricity saves money, but how much money does it save. Because of solar panels generating utility-free electricity along with government incentives, you’ll observe your bills plummeting down and savings rise up. Whether you have purchased the solar system using cash or a loan, the solar electricity bill will definitely be less as compared to a traditional utility bill. In fact, you may save money instead of spending money on buying energy.

In-Built Savings

Every month you’ll experience small energy bill savings, which will add up quickly over a certain period of time. Depending on whether it is cash or loan purchase, those savings will be observed immediately or add up to something big over time.

Everyone experiences different savings, because of the difference in location, sun exposure, and many other factors that affect the solar energy generated. While some may get 30% savings, there may be lucky ones who make 100% savings.

Long term Savings

When a customer invests in a on-grid system by UTL Solar, their investment will promise them a return every month. Now, the generated energy from the solar panels leads to a possibility that you don’t have to pay the utility company at all. Not only do you accumulate energy, but it will be credited to your account, proper accounting and adjustment will be done in the form of import/export and banking.

This clearly leads to the fact that whatever is generated extra, that will be adjusted in your peak demand, if there are some extra credit units in your account, it will be paid according to the FIT rates of that year.

This ultimately means that apart from savings you may earn something for the extra units your solar system has generated. So, basically, you will be paid for the extra units sold to DISCOM.

Depreciation Benefits

This advantage is given to promote the usage and application of the on-grid system in the industrial/commercial segment. 40% AD (accelerated depreciation) can be claimed for the installation of these systems. This facility ultimately affects the tax payment.


Apart from these benefits, there are some other benefits as well such as low gestation period, decreased transmission and distribution losses, improvement in the tail-end grid voltages and reduction of system congestion. Integration of the solar system leads to long term energy and ecological security because of reduction in carbon emission. It has minimal technical losses as power consumption and generation are collocated.


What is an on-grid solar system?

An on-grid solar system, also known as a grid-tied or grid-connected system, is a solar power setup that is connected to the electrical grid.

Why is an on-grid solar system a great choice for a home?

An on-grid solar system is a great choice for a home due to its ability to reduce electricity bills, earn credits through net metering, and contribute to a greener environment.

How does an on-grid solar system reduce electricity bills?

An on-grid solar system generates electricity from the sun, which is used to power your home’s electrical needs. This reduces the amount of electricity you need to purchase from the grid, resulting in lower bills.

What is net metering, and how does it benefit on-grid solar system owners?

Net metering allows on-grid solar system owners to feed excess electricity generated by their system back into the grid, earning credits that can offset future electricity consumption.

Is it possible to completely eliminate electricity bills with an on-grid solar system?

In some cases, it is possible to eliminate or significantly reduce electricity bills by generating enough solar power to meet or exceed your home’s energy needs.

Do I need batteries for an on-grid solar system?

No, batteries are not required for an on-grid solar system. The system relies on the electrical grid to supply power when solar generation is insufficient.